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Blog Post #11 Viral Marketing
I read on Wikipedia an article for Viral Marketing that interested me very much showing me all of the different types of ways things can...
Blog Post #10 Past Classes
With this blog you can see all of the past classes blog and what they did in creating there project three. This I find incredible helpful...
Blog Post #9 BBG 9
In chapter nine of the Bedford book of genres I read about assembling a multi-genre and the steps needed to take to start your project....
Blog Post #8 BBG Chapter Seven
In Chapter seven “Integrating & Documenting Sources” the book talks about the trappings of plagiarism, how paraphrasing can be...
Blog Post #7 BBG Chapter 14
In chapter fourteen of the Bedford Book of Genres they talk about heroes and villains. The idea of heroes and villains is not a novel one...
Blog Post #6 Consider The Lobster
In the food review written by David Wallace, Consider the Lobster, Wallace sheds a light on the known and ignored truth of the food...
Blog Post #5 Chapter One
In chapter one of the Bedford book of genres we explore the idea behind genre and how it plays an important role in how people perceive...
Blog Post #4 Choose Your own Chapter
In all my years of writing papers from elementary to college I've always known that revision was an integral part of the writing process...
Blog Post #3 BBG 5
In chapter five of the book, exploring topics and creating a research proposal, they explore the many ways a writer can explore a topic...
Blog Post #2 Shitty First Drafts
In “Shitty First Drafts” a selection taken from Anne Lamotts novel Bird by Bird Lamott examines her ideas on how authors of all sorts...
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