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Project 2 Rough Draft

Tommy Jimenez

Mat Wenzel

Project 2 Rough Draft

12 July 2017

One specific community I have been particularly interested in is the vegetarian community because for so many years now I have flirted with the idea of being a vegetarian even going as far as eating meat substitutes like tofu, eggplant, other fruits and veggies. There are many reasons to join this community either for health concerns, animal awareness concerns, and weight loss. For me some of my closes friends are vegetarians while some of my other friends are through and through carnivores. It’s never really been an option brought forth by my parent’s due to growing up in a Hispanic household the meals always consisted of some type of rice, meat, and beans. I never thought twice about it but the biggest reason for my change would have to be the inhumane and brutal treatment of the animals we consume. Now I’m no PETA freak but there is a sad truth that the majority of the meat we consume is done so by factory lines and slaughterhouses. I’ve never really been a big meat eater with the main source of my protein coming from chicken and never red meat. Now I partake in my ground meat and ham from time to time but the idea that animals were put on this earth for the sole reason of consumption as said so in the bible seems immoral in my line of thinking. What drew me to this community was funny enough film; movies highlighting the torture and pain these animals endure. Certain visual texts can be as important as or more so than written articles like David Foster Wallace’s “Consider the Lobster.” Take for instance a new film on Netflix called Okja; this film shows some really horrific imagery of animals in a slaughtering line and our desensitized view on the manner. Animals are living breathing creatures and while yes they may not share the same level of consciousness as we do they still feel pain. I plan on interviewing some student and friends who have been vegetarians for a while and why they chose to lead this lifestyle and why I might want to join their community.

Speaking to a member of the community a member of eight long years I have gained some really important knowledge on the vegetarian community. I’ve heard the pros and cons of living a vegetarian lifestyle. Some pros are the cost; it is vastly inexpensive to switch actually saving you money because you aren’t buying a ten-dollar steak and learning an important distinction between organic and GMO’s. The woman I interviewed gave me a great insight on the inner workings of the vegetarian community with the difficulties of having to adhere to a rigorous diet and the lack of variety. Having been a vegetarian for eight years while she is no health analyst I believe she has some valuable information. She has been involved with PETA in a small capacity being an active member to falling out of favor with their tactics. In the beginning becoming a vegetarian at the age of twelve a primary reason for the transition was the inhumane treatment of animals with the organization of PETA having an influence. It was through actions taken by PETA and other affiliated organizations that she became aware of where and how the meat that was on her plate came from and what the terrible conditions and actions that were taken to kill and process that animal. As time went on and she grew older Kaycee developed stomach ulcers which when untreated eat the lining of the stomach. So after receiving this diagnosis her doctor prescribed a more plant based diet reinforcing her vegetarian ideals.

Since the reason for Kaycee becoming a vegetarian initially involved the treatment of animals and the pains they endure I further inquired on this because this was my main reason for wanting this diet. Two very moving and important pieces of media that influenced Kaycee was a film known as Food Inc. and a PETA public service announcement aptly named If Slaughterhouses had Glass Walls. Both had tremendous effects on Kaycee showing the inner workings of the food industry with where animals are raised and the diets of everyday Americans in Food Inc. While with If Slaughterhouses had Glass Walls PETA shows the horrible and unmonitored everyday working inside of slaughterhouses and how animals are routinely abused and the horrible conditions in which they live. Having seen Food Inc. I knew the horrors that we both had seen but it wasn’t until I watched If Slaughterhouses had Glass Walls that I felt horrible about the treatment of these animals. With interviewing Kaycee and information, she provided I’m pondering to know if the number one reason for vegetarians leading this lifestyle comes from this belief.



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