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Annotated Bibliography Final

Annotated Bibliography

"3 Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Meat." Prevention 67.10 (2015): 24.

This is a peer reviewed article that I chose to use in my paper because the article talks about the advantages of being a vegetarian when compared to the general populace. Specifically, three benefits vegetarians enjoy when they stop eating meat. Such pertinent information is weight loss and how that had an effect on Kaycee when she was first starting out as a vegetarian and how this can be a great reason why people may make the transition early on. The main reason and purpose it plays in my paper is when I am talking about my familial history with the life-threatening disease of type two diabetes and how if my family had a healthier and more vegetarian diet then maybe we could stop this disease from plaguing my family and help my younger cousin with the years to come and how he will have to deal with the disease.

"8 Reasons Why a Plant-Based Diet is Good for You." Vegetarian Times 42.8 (2016): 26.

I chose this peer review article from the vegetarian times because it reports on the research results of having a plant based diet. It cites eight specific results that help reduce the risk for such diseases like heart disease, colorectal cancer, and breast cancer. The article also emphasizes how turning to vegetarianism, vegetables can promote weight loss, keep low blood pressure down, and decrease the risk of diabetes. These facts show up in my paper to add different reasons why people choose to change their dietary lifestyles and how by doing so they are promoting health self-care.

AGA. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 21 Ocober 2014. 18 July 2017. <>.

This source is from a website and not a journal article but offers more specific examples of how the agricultural industry is vastly environmentally harming. They are a reputable website offering credibility to the statistics presented in the article. They talk about how with mechanized farming and increased food production comes the need for more cows which are a big problem. They track climate change through the livestock sector by measuring how beef and cattle account for contributing amounts of greenhouse gases with methane and carbon dioxide contributing sixty percent together. It’s also important to my paper because it shows how arable land is being used by the livestock industry and how earth’s natural resources like water and land are being used at incredible amounts to fund industry.

Baroni, L, et al. "Evaluating the environmental impact of various dietary patterns combined with different food production systems ." European journal of clinical nutrition 61.2 (2007): 279-286.

This peer reviewed article gives legitimacy and stats to my paper by showing the different ecological effects that having a certain diet entails. The experiment conducted looks at three diets one including meat, one vegetarian, and one vegan. Taking into account nutritional levels and resource use from each diet the authors seek to fin which diet causes the least amount of environmental usage. Giving credit to my claim that vegetarianism can help sustain the world vegetarian and vegan diet use the least amount of resources when compared to an omnivorous diet. The main purpose of the study is to show that meat is a drain on energy and water resources and how following a more sustainable diet would be beneficial to the earth helping my claims.

Clarke, Alexis. "Vegetarianism and sustainability." Journal of the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society 21.2 (2015): 106-111.

This a peer reviewed article written to discuss vegetarianism and how it can have a role in earths sustainability with food security, its ability to possibly supplant meat as a source for nutrition. I use this article in my writing to show the extended effects of becoming a vegetarian outside of personal and health reasons. This shows the scope when tied together with the article written by Baroni how by simply changing your dietary habits you can save the world. It also shows how the meat industry is indirectly involved with malnutrition in developing countries because of the need of water and land growing animals for consumption is needed.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions. 13 April 2017. Environmental Protection Agency. 18 July 2017. <>.

This website offers valuable data giving up to-date statistics on climate change and the prevalence of greenhouse gas emissions. This website is a reputable website offering statistics relevant to my claims and shows that with deforestation the CO2 levels in the air are rising causing ecological harm. It also offers great graphs and information to compare and give readers a sense of the situation in other than statistics and numbers.

Hair, Kaycee. Interview Tommy Jimenez. Tallahassee, 12 July 2017.

This is my interview and most likely my most important source showing up all throughout the article serving to sprinkle in information from research with real life examples coming from a member in my new group of friends helping me while also being a source of knowledge. Having been a vegetarian for eight years there is a wealth of advice and knowledge talking about the pros and cons of being a vegetarian while having first-hand experience with making the transition. She also became a vegetarian for the same reason which provides a lot of similarities.

Jordan, Jeff. "Why Friends Shouldn't Let Friends Be Eaten: An Argument for Vegetarianism." Social Theory & Practice 27.2 (2001): 309-322.

This peer reviewed article discusses information presented in a study which looks at the many reasons and various aspects of becoming a vegetarian. This has more of a philosophical argument at the center of it posing the moral idea that humans should not kill animals under the circumstances as a need for food and that it isn’t a morally sustainable argument. What interesting parts of the article that were used in my paper was when looking at vegetarians the main reasons for vegetarianism was religious belief, morality of animals and their treatment, and health reasons. This article is important to my paper because it shows the many reasons for vegetarianism while also putting me in a category of why I want to be a vegetarian. More interesting in the study was founded that the main reason for vegetarians becoming vegetarians was for ethical and moral arguments of animals but as time went on the reasons shifted toward more socially positive reasons like health and the environment.

Singer, Peter. "Look your dinner in the eye." New Scientist 191.2572 (2006): 22.

This peer reviewed article is an exploration of the video if slaughterhouses had glass walls and how hat video changed everything. It serves as great credibility in my paper for showing the typical genres of the text by showing both the history it came from with the inner workings of slaughterhouses and how when exposed they were forced to change the standards of animal care and hygiene. In the paper, it works functionally to explore the genre of PSA’s and how influential they are especially within the vegetarian community with many people becoming vegetarians demanding change.



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